The Advantages of Using an Organic Fertilizer?

organic lawn fertilizer

With synthetic fertilizers so efficient, so readily available and so affordable, many gardeners wonder why they should even bother looking for a suitable source of organic fertilizer. Well, organic fertilizers do bring some unique benefits that distinguish them from synthetic products – here are some.

Slow-Release Nourishment for Your Plants

Organic fertilizers need to be broken down by the soil before their components become available to your plants. This feature means two things: your plants will get exactly the amount of nutrients they need, not more, not less and you will be able to prolong the period between two fertilization sessions. By contrast, most synthetic fertilizers offer quick fixes, giving your plants an almost instant boost of energy, but requiring you to reapply your product more frequently.

Better, More Fertile Soil

The texture and the quality of the soil are features that are just as important for having strong, thriving plants as the type and variety of the plants you choose and the attention you offer your cultures. Organic lawn fertilizer can be used to enhance the soil by adding fibers that improve the soil’s ability to retain water and by increasing the activity of the healthy bacteria and fungi so important for having fertile soil. Unlike synthetic fertilizers that deplete the soil of nutrients, organic fertilizers can be used to restore the fertility of the soil by adding the right nutrients to it.

Friendly on the Environment

Organic fertilizers also contain chemical substances, therefore they might not be safe for kids and pets and spills and runoffs must be stopped before they reach waterways or ponds, but their long-term usage is safe for the soil as well as for the plants, including the ones that we consume, such as vegetables.

Another aspect that makes the application of organic fertilizers safer for the environment than the usage of synthetic products is their ability to enhance the soil’s capacity to hold water inside. Soil that does not dry that easily is also soil that requires less water to stay fertile and to provide the plants in it with the right amount of moisture without using up excessive amounts of water.

Easy Application

Easy application is an important feature with any fertilizer. Organic fertilizers are pretty much the same as synthetic products in this respect, both types being equally easy to apply to your soil.

More Resistant Plants

The plants that you can grow with the help of organic fertilizers not only look great and taste great (if the fertilizer is used on produce). Organic nourishment also improves the health of the plants as well as their resistance to diseases and pests.

Price Point

Most organic products are easier and less energy-intensive to manufacture than synthetic fertilizers, which makes organic varieties cheaper as well. If you are looking for an even more economical way to obtain good quality organic nourishment for your plants, you can decide to produce your own compost, collecting organic household waste and grass clippings. If this is what you want, you will need some patience – good compost takes about a year to be ready for use and during that year, you will need to water and turn over the contents of your bin several times.